Visitors will find and remember your website when you use...
an already branded generic name!
Whether you are in business or promoting yourself or just providing information you must establish credibility with potential customers. Otherwise, business may be hard to do and attention is hard to get. One very traditional way to appear credible is to have a great location. When it comes to the web your location is your web address which is your domain name. Promoting your service or product from a great domain portrays you as being ahead of the curve. A great domain projects longevity and gains trust. It also speaks to financial strength and confidence. It is part of the public conscience that certain domain names are of considerable value running into the millions of dollars in some cases.
What’s the bottom line? There are hundreds of domains that include the words music lessons but there is only one musiclessons.ca. There are thousands of operators of retirement homes but there is only one retirementhomes.ca. So do you want to stand out from the crowd and have instant credibility? Be respected as a top source!